27 de febrero de 2010


Directed by Robert Powers for the Moby single 'Mistake'

Dog interviews Little Idiot on bug planet

One Time We Lived

directed by Robert Powers for the single 'One Time We Lived' [Moby]

Mountain Light

by Tom Lowe @ Timescapes //www.timescapes.org/
Music is Michael Stearns

Maya Lin - Unchopping a Tree

Produced by @radical.media

Music donated by Brian Eno and Brian Loucks

Support provided by The Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation
Louis Bacon, Moore Charitable Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Découverte industrielle

Scénographie Brigitte Bouillot
Design benoît Millot
Réalisation film Brigitte Bouillot, Sebastien Jousse, benoît Millot
Production Charles Drouin / Tulipe&Compagnie


Réalisateur Benoit Millot

Chef operateur Patrice Michaux
Assistante Pauline Tonneau-Rosati
Accessoiriste Marcel Gaillard
Post production Nicolas Lichtle
Montage Laetitia Palcy
Production Tulipes & compagnie
Client Suez environnement

The White Mountain

By Charles Leung

Location: Mauna Kea, Hawai'i

Music: "That Is Why I Am On This Porch"[The Village] composed by James Newton Howard

The Sandpit: a day in the life of New York City

Especialmente recomendado ver a pantalla completa [ Please view in HD & full screen for best effect]

Precioso reportaje sobre un día cualquiera en la ciudad de Nueva York, un pequeño hormiguero humano.

Director: Sam O'Hare

Música: Human, Rosi Golan & Alex Wong

21 de febrero de 2010


Documental histórico, dirigido por Luis López-Linares y Javier Rioyo (1996)
"Asesinato de León Trotsky en México. Asesino: Ramón Mercader con la colaboración de su madre, Caridad del Río"


by Andres Salaff

The Known Universe

Fuente AMNH http://www.youtube.com/user/AMNHorg

charity: water & iGoogle Northern Ethiopia

Fuente http://www.vimeo.com/charitywater/videos

Shadowplay [ Hiroshima agosto de 1945]

Written, animated, & directed by Dan Blank

Produced by Dan Blank & Cynthia Allen

Music: Ryan Shore

Bowerbirds "In Our Talons"

Directed by Alan Poon

Datos personales

Mi foto
Nací en Bustiello (Asturias). Desde el año 1976 vivo en Santiago de Compostela. Estudié Matemáticas en la USC,1976/1981. Actualmente me dedico a la docencia en Galicia.

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